HS: There is no doubt that our Planet accompanied by some eight billion individuals Homo sapiens (HS) is experiencing an era of mass extinction that is threatening at least two thirds of the planet’s species. There is also no doubt that it is already too late to return to Adam and Eve’s paradise, but possibly we could get away with some injuries, but only under much worse life condition, and only if men will only re-think about his behavior. It goes without saying that maximum efforts and discipline will be necessary to have any chance of success.
Fortunately, we may hope that the deep mining for emotions tried here is capable of mitigating the worst of consequences, making life somewhat bearable. Of course, a big bundle of resources will be necessary, and everybody has to participate according to his/her purse. Let us open our hearts and brains and listen unprejudiced to what AI has to tell us from its point of view about projects and plans when looking at what HS has left of Mother earth’s biosphere.